
Showing posts from September, 2016

Post Defense

Another important position which needs to be defended accordingly is the post.  Neutralizing the opposing teams post game is so important to being successful in the game of basketball.  That being said how you play post defense will vary depending on the type of team that you play.  The one thing that always remains the same is that successful post defense will depend on the whole team and not just the people who are supposed to cover the blocks. Remember the name of the game is scoring more baskets than the other team and by taking away the other teams strengths you will increase your odds of winning ball games.  The phases to successful post defense are as follows: 4 ways to guard the post. Low post defense. High post defense. Post help. Weak side post positioning. Moving from one position to another as the ball moves around the perimeter.  Teamwork

Weak Side Positioning

Another important point of emphasis when playing defense is weak side positioning.  Before we begin explaining how to play good weak side defense we should explain what we mean by it.  Weak side defense takes place when the player you are covering is more than one pass away from the ball.  It is imperative that you are able to quickly determine when you are weak side as your responsibilities involve helping the strong side whenever possible whether it be by double teaming, helping a teammate that has been beat off the dribble or a screen, or simply communicating to the rest of the players what you see going on in front of you.  Good weak side defense can make a man to man defense great.