Improving Your Footspeed

I've been coaching youth basketball for many years and the one thing that I've seen is that some kids naturally know how to run while others are so inefficient in their running style that you can't help but wonder how much better they would be if they simply worked on their running form.  The purpose of this post is to help kids improve their running form and thus help increase their foot speed.

Problems with Inefficient Runners

  • Relax - The main problem that I see with most kids who seem to run slower than they should is that they tense up.  The main key to running is that you stay relaxed.  You need to stay relaxed in the face, the shoulders, the arms, the hands, and you hips.  Tightness in any of these areas can cause you to run slower than you are capable of.

  • Foot Strike - Many kids are plodders.  They run by slamming their feet on the ground instead of focusing on being light on their feet.  Their heels make great contact with the ground and this serves as a brake to momentum.  Great heel contact can also increase the risk of injury as kids get older.  The proper foot strike has the mid foot absorbing most of the pressure.  Specifically speaking the goal should be that the ball of the foot should make the most contact with the ground.  It should also be noted that kids that seem to run on their toes should also try to correct their foot strike.  Running on the toes of your feet can also lead to calf and Achilles injuries.

  • Strides - Another misconception is that long strides can help make you faster.  Long strides can put extra pressure on your legs and hips as the knees are no longer in optimal position to serve as shock absorbers.  In addition, a long stride can actually serve as a break to a runner because it forces your body to stay straight up versus having a natural forward lean when you run with your feet underneath you.  The best way to run is with a natural lean forward and your feet always making contact with the ground underneath you.  I like to tell kids that the best way to run is to think of it as hovering over the ground and using your feet to tap the ground just long enough to keep you moving.

  • Foot Speed - Some kids are just not ready at a neuromuscular level to run fast.  Their mind might be telling them to move the feet but the body just can oblige.  This is why the machine gun drill and jumping rope is so good.

Drills to Use to Improve Running

  • Machine Gun Drill - This drill is a great drill to help kids with getting the mind and body in sync when it comes to moving your feet. With this drill the player will try to make contact with the floor with each foot in alternating fashion as quickly as possible.  The player is not moving but running in place.  This drill is also excellent because it emphasizes foot strike with the balls of the feet.  Have the players do 5 sets of 20 seconds each.  Rest periods should be 60 seconds to start with but as the player progresses should be shortened.  Once the player gets to the point where they can do this drill comfortably increase the time under stress by 10 seconds.

  • Jump Rope - This drill is another great drill to use for foot speed and proper foot strike.  Stress to the player that they should aim to go a little faster than they feel comfortable.  Make sure that there are no double jumps as they are jumping rope.  Keep the drill efficient.  You can start by doing 5 sets of 50 jumps with a 60 second break in between.  Again drop the time of the breaks or increase the intensity of the drill to challenge.

  • Skips - Skipping helps kids get used to jumping off one foot and also helps them learn how to land on the balls of their feet.  By emphasizing that the upper leg that doesn't touch the ground be parallel to the ground you force the kids to train their hip flexors and upper legs which are often neglected parts of running.  Do 5 sets of 30 yards to start.  Adjust intensity accordingly.

  • Bounding - Running using long exaggerated strides will help with the hip flexors and also help strengthen your ankles.  Again focus on landing on the balls of your feet.  Do 5 sets of 30 yards to start.  Adjust intensity accordingly.

  • But Kickers - This exaggerated style will help train the player to keep his feet underneath him when running. Do 5 sets of 30 yards to start.  Adjust intensity accordingly.

  • Sprints - If your going to learn how to do something, the best way to do so is by practicing it over and over.  Time the player once a week so you can track progress.  Sprints should be run 1 at a time at a distance of no less than 30 yards and no more than 40 yards.  Remember what you are looking for:

    • Running on balls of feet

    • Running relaxed

    • Not over striding

There you have it.  For more info on how to improve running you can always search the web.


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