The Complete Player - Dribbling Part 1 (Beginners)

In continuing our series on the complete player, the next topic of discussion is dribbling.  There is so much to this specific topic that we will break down this section into multiple parts.  The parts will cover progressions from beginner to elite.  In this specific section we will be discussing what drills to do with kids that are just beginning to play and do not yet know how to dribble.

The interesting thing about this specific topic of conversation is that I can't seem to find video which will help me with my discussions.  It's as if most people who make the effort to post something on line about the topic of dribbling completely skip over this part.  Maybe it's because it's boring and way to simplistic, but just like in anything worth taking up we need to build a solid foundation before we build up.  Here is a link to a post that I wrote a few years ago that has basic progressions for beginners.

Points of Emphasis 
Below are the points you will want to stress to kids as they start their journey towards becoming better dribblers. 
  1. Whatever they do with one hand they need to be able to do with the other.  It is best to start kids young in learning how to dribble with both hands.  
  2. Do not slap the ball.  A dribble is all finger tips.  Make sure that the kids touch all five of their finger tips onto the ball each time they dribble.  This is very important.  Take as much time as possible to make sure this point is mastered before proceeding.
  3. Always try to look up when you are dribbling.  Do not look at the ball.
  4. Bend your knees when you dribble.  Make sure that they start getting used to this very important position.  A player standing straight up is a slow and inefficient player.
Below are some of the basic drills you should use to reinforce the points discussed above.  We like to split up drills into two groups:
  • Standstill drills
  • Drills in motion
Standstill Drills
The standstill drills that we like to use with kids who have just begun playing all involve one basketball.  Keep in mind that we always remind the kids of the 4 points mentioned earlier in this post.  Each drill we use is meant to teach kids the basics and are great to use at home as well.  Below are our drills:
  1. Dribble with one hand - Have the kids start dribbling the ball and make sure that our points of emphasis are followed.  Make sure that you take them thru a high dribble, waist high dribble, and a low dribble.
  2. Crossover dribbles - Have them do crossovers and  mix up the height of the dribble.  Do tight dribbles, regular dribbles and wide dribbles.
  3. Pounds - Pounds are what we call dribbles where you have the kids slam the ball onto the ground as hard as possible.  We tell them to try to break the floor when we do this drill and they love to hear it!  Emphasize that they keep the ball under control.  The hand should always be on top of the ball.  Have them do pounds at shoulder and waist height along with crossover pounds.
Drills in Motion
The drills in motion are the next group of drills that we have kids do.  We do this along with the standstill drills.  We think that the 2 types of drills complement each other very well.  Each drill we use is meant to help build the kids skill level.  Below are our drills:
  1. Dribble straight up and down the floor - This drill is important as it starts teaching kids how to move with the ball.  We will have them walk first but we will also have them jog and run.  Push them outside their comfort zone on this drill but expect some sloppiness.  Always emphasize the 4 points discussed earlier.  Include crossovers in these drills.
  2. Slalom dribble - It's never too early to set up cones diagonally and have the kids go from cone to cone and crossover.  Do it at different paces but again don't be afraid to challenge them by speeding things up.
Next to finishing at the basket, dribbling is the most important skill in basketball.  A good dribbler can get to points on the floor that other players can't.  He is not limited in his movements and thus he increases his chances of getting to spots on the floor where he can hurt the opposing team either with a shot or a pass. In upcoming posts we will continue our discussions on dribbling and expand to other levels of our progressions.  We will also introduce some vital moves which help initiate a dribble and are very effective.  Stay tuned!


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