Burpees (HIIT) Bakers Dozen

 Below is a great burpee workout that you can use to challenge yourself.  This challenge is called the baker's dozen.  Below is the rep range for each set and rest intervals between each set.

  • 13 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 12 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 11 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 10 burpees
  • 1 minute rest 
  • 9 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 8 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 7 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 6 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 5 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 4 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  •  3 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 2 burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 1 burpee
  • 1 minute rest

During the rest period you should be walking and getting yourself ready for the next set.  Don't sit down.

Once completed you will have done a total of  91 burpees in about 20 minutes.

It should be noted that the balers dozen method to HIIT training can be used doing different types of exercises including mountain climbers, push ups, pull ups, squats, lunges, 20 yard sprints and others.

If you are in outstanding shape then you can decrease your rest periods to 45 seconds, 30 seconds, or 20 seconds.  You can also increase the number of reps in each set or add reps in the sets.

Bakers down is a great way to increase the metabolism and get yourself in shape.


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