Summer Workout

Summer Workout Descriptions
The workout below is for 5-7 year olds.  It is recommended that the player does this workout 3 times a week minimum over the summer time.  the total duration of the drill is not long (about 15 minutes if you do the recommended minimums).  

The workout focuses on three important areas of basketball: dribbling, passing/catching, and shooting.

Dribbling (25 times each hand) Keep your eyes up at all times.  Don't be afraid to make mistakes that's what practice is for.
Pound Dribble – Pound the ball as hard as you can while still controlling it.  The dribble can go as high as your shoulders.  The key is to control a hard heavy dribble.  Try to keep your eyes looking straight ahead while you dribble.
Waist High Dribble – Dribble the ball normally allowing it to go no higher than your waist.
Lows - Dribble the ball as close to the floor as you can.  Try to dribble low and fast.
Protect dribble – free hand is up and out in front with elbow bent (extending the arm is a foul), dribble should be no higher than knee high and should be out in front of the back knee.  See picture below.

Single hand crossover/in and outs – using one hand, dribble the ball no higher than the waist and preferably lower.  You will do a crossover using one hand and then an in and out.  Follow this link for more info:
Between the legs crossovers – position legs as if you’re taking a big step forward.  Bend knees and dribble thru the legs over and over.
Freestyle – Do any and all of the dribbles described above in any sequence.  Be creative and have fun.
Passing/catching –(min 20 times) if you don't have a partner you can use a wall for this drill.  Try to get comfortable passing the ball from 10 feet away or more.  Emphasize catching the ball with your hands.  Remember to step into the pass.
Chest Pass
Bounce Pass
Outlet or Overhead pass.  
Shooting – (min 20 times) Form is so important so before shooting at a basket we need to make sure that our form is good.  Practicing form should take place in the following sequence.  The first 2 drills require no basketballs and can even be done safely in the house.
Follow Thru - practice the fishhook finish.
Base/Shot Pocket and Follow thru - Once you've practiced your follow thru then you need to start piecing it together with the rest of the important parts of shooting the basketball.  A good slideshow that summarizes everything is here.  One note to parents, your child's shot pocket will naturally be lower then most of the older players that are shown in this slide.  It is okay if your child shoots the ball from the upper chest level at this age. 
Shoot at the basket - Once you've done the above 2 drills with no basketball.  It's time to take what you've practiced to the hardwood and practice shooting at a basket.  It is recommended that the player shoots from a distance that does not disturb his form.  If you see that he is trying to shoot and his shot looks more like a throw, then he's shooting from too far away or the rim is too high.  At this point form is the most important thing.  So if the player can only shoot from 5 feet away then stay at 5 feet away.  If the player can't make it on a 8-9 foot rim then have him practice from a height where he can make a basket (making shots is fun).  Most adjustable baskets can go as low as 7 1/2 feet.  It is preferred that no player at this age takes shots from beyond 10 -12 feet away.


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