1 V 1 Squaring Up Your Opponent
One of the most difficult things to teach young players is also one of the most important in determining how good a 1v1 player your going to be. The move in question is what I like to call "Squaring up your opponent." What this means is that when you receive the ball in a position to score, the first thing you do is turn and face the basket in a triple threat position. At a young age this move is instinctively difficult because young players feel that they are not protecting the ball when facing the basket. Their natural instinct is to turn their back to the basket so they can protect the ball. What this does is it prevents the player from surveying the floor and/or breaking down his player. Another move for kids this age is that they may turn and face the basket but they forget completely about protecting the ball. This is one of the reasons you see a lot of jump balls in youth games in addition to seeing many balls being ripped out of the hands of players by the oppo...