Characteristics of a Good 1v1 Player

Today we will be getting back to discussing 1v1 basketball. What we want to talk about are the qualities and characteristics of successful 1v1 players.

  1. Athleticism - this is not the be all end all but it is a very important quality to have. Most successful 1v1 players in basketball are great athletes. Although much of being an athlete is God given there are some things that all players can do to increase their athleticism. Remember your goal is to make yourself the best you that you can be. You can do this by getting in the best shape possible and by getting closer to your true athletic potential.

  2. Footwork - this is a very important element that can be improved by everyone.  The more you practice your 1v1 moves (jab steps, rip moves, ball fakes, etc.) the more the moves get committed to muscle memory.

  3. Dribbling and ball handling - another important element that can be improved on by everyone.  Be comfortable with the shoulder to hip dribble blow by along with the concept of keeping your dribble low and away from defenders when driving to the basket.  Work on crossovers (with both hands or one hand, between the legs and behind the back).  Again the more you work on this, the more you commit to muscle memory and the more instinctive it will become.

  4. Be comfortable making layups with either hand and from all angles to the basket - it makes no sense if you are going to break down your player and then have no clue how to finish when you get to the basket.  Expose yourself to different types of layups.

  5. Be comfortable shooting shots off the dribble - if you are going to be a good 1v1 player you will need to make sure you can pull up and shoot off of the dribble going in either direction.  Do not fall in love with one direction.  You will be way to easy to guard.

  6. Be comfortable shooting non rhythm shots - rhythm shots are standard shots off the pass or shots off the dribble.  They are shots where you get the ball and through a routine you get yourself into a rhythm and shoot the ball.  Non rhythm shots are shots where you need to create a shot from nothing.  It may be a shot off a rip move or a jab step.  It may be a step back off the dribble fake.  It may be a runner in the paint.  They are shots that you need to feel comfortable with if you are going to be a good 1v1 player.

  7. Reading and breaking down your defender - this may the most important of all qualities.  As a basketball player you need to look at the player who is guarding you and get a read on him/her.  Does he/she bite on fakes easily.  Are they trying hard to take away the drive.  Are they playing me too close and forcing me to drive.  Do they want me to go to a certain spot on the floor where a double team will meet me.  The better you read the player covering you the easier it will be for you to break him/her down.

  8. Secondary moves - secondary moves are so important because if your initial move does not take you by your defender a crossover, a spin move, or a step back might do the trick.

  9. Analyze what the rest of the defense will do in response to your moves - If you practice your 1v1 moves consistently then they will become second nature.  You can then go to the next level and look beyond what your defender is doing to how the rest of the defense is responding to your moves.  When you get to this point you are now a very dangerous player because you are prepared to anticipate and react to whatever the whole defense throws at you.
  10. Do not be afraid of contact.  Embrace it.  - If you are afraid of contact then you will not be a        good    1v1 player.  In order to be a good player 1v1 you need to eat up space between you and your defender not shy away from them.  You have to love being in traffic and creating contact.
I hope this helps.  Just remember just like anything it if you want to be good at something you have to work at it.  The more you work the better you will be.


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