On Ball Defense

The key to being successful on defense is to make yourself such a nuisance to the offensive player that they can't extend their focus beyond you.  This may sound easy in principle but is very difficult to do in practice.  On ball defense is equal parts skill, heart, and smarts.  If you are missing any one of these then you will not be a good on ball defender.

Lets cover all three below:

  • Skill - Good on the ball defenders need to know how to use their hands and their feet.  They need to be as distracting as possible.  They need to be comfortable playing at a lower level than the player they are covering and they need to be ready to abruptly change directions.  A good on ball defender needs to also know how to use his hands.  The most important thing to understand about using your hands is to never jab at the ball.  This will force you off balance and good offensive players will use that to their advantage.  Get in the habit of tracing the plight of the ball in the opponent's hands.  If the ball goes up over his head you get tall and smother.  If the ball is in triple threat left then you make sure you are in your stance and have your right hand cover (put your hand close to the ball without losing balance) the ball.  If the ball is in triple threat right then make sure you are in your stance and cover the ball with your left hand.  Any time the ball handler makes the mistake and offers you the ball by putting it in front of him and not shifting it then take it away from him.

  • Heart - A good defender takes pride in what he does and will not allow the player he is guarding to get by him.  He will do everything in his power (and within the rules) to keep his man from getting away from him.  A defender who plays with heart will always be physical.  He will not be afraid to body his player and make him work for everything.

  • Smarts - A good defender should always look for the offensive player's tendencies.

    • What hand does he favor?

    • What spots on the floor does he like to shoot from?

    • Does he get open using screens?

    • Who does he like to pass the ball to?

    • Many more.

As covered in a previous post, on ball defense is so important.  The tougher the defense on the ball, the easier things will be for everyone else who is defending behind it.



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