Creating Space

 When you play basketball, one of the most important qualities of a good player is that they are able to create space.  There are 2 ways to create space.  The first is without the dribble and the second is with the dribble.

Below are some videos of creating space without a dribble:

As you see on the videos, the offensive player uses pivots, jabs, and rips to create space without a dribble.  This is something all good players know how to do but average and poor players don't.

The next thing to look at is some of the moves a player can use to create space with the dribble.  

Below are some videos of creating space with the dribble:

 All of these moves give the person with the ball an opportunity to create space for himself to get a jumper or a layup chance at the basket.  These moves should be practiced often as should various finishes at the basket.


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